See? I have warnings again. :D
My work ethic is shit, isn't it. *sigh* Lol. Anyhue!
So I left off after we had seen the volcanic mountain lava thingy at Tsavo West. After that, we went to Mzima Springs. Which was very, very pretty. And had pretty things. :D And can apparently supply water for like 20 years for 3 cities the size of Mombasa. Aki Kenya. (these are statistics pulled from something that sounded like this. It sounded like that. I swear. Lol.)
This was the parking lot right at Mzima Springs. And the tree. And the cars.
We were instructed to go this'a way...that'a way...
And then, look! A very encouraging sign...
Next to this...
But were we deterred by the fearsome hippo skull? No! Never! We were intrepid explorers, adventurous in spirit, body and mind, going to new frontiers, beyond borders, unafraid and fearless! We LAUGHED in the face of danger!!
*there's supposed to be a link here for the Indiana Jones theme song, but BLOGGER WON'T LET ME DO IT. ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH.*
And so we stepped forward, bravely,
...into the great unknown!! Piga mswaki, piga mswakiii (clap clap)
Wanipa fintiver, wanipa fintever, moyo waduntunda! Golly. To attend a disco with such again...ah, to be young...
TEREN! Because, I mean, for normal people, this sign would have made them stop, yes? Not so us!!
So I...
...stepped over this log...
...which went till here...
...and this was the side view...
...of this.
Pretty, neh? Then we met mushrooms...
On our way further down the spring...
I like the way in the first one, the leaves are unclear, then in the second one, they're clear. Such things excite me. :D We were making our way down to the little hut that is halfway in the water and halfway out that you see in this picture:
The way to which looked like so's:
Inside of which looked like so's.
So when you go down the steps...
You can look through the windows...
After reading the signs. The writing is on the wall.
Which turns out to be handy, seeing as you can literally touch the fishies from the windows. Seeing as people can be silly, and reach above the glass:
(and because one must take several pictures of the same thing)
To these little guys.
What the hell is you looking for? Can't a young fish make waves anymore??!!
On to...
Where the hippos were supposed to be at. Can you see the little ears?
But the closest I could get was with a lens, and even then...
So I got a few smaller folk, which, to be fair, imagine they're small...
And, if you look very closely, you'll see him. Dude, I love crocs. NOT the ridiculously priced shoe. The game meat (though it's been a while, and I'm not really into red meat anymore. Is crocodile meat even red meat? Or...rep meat? Ha.), and the animal. They have claws on the end of chubby baby-like arms. What's not to love??
On our way out again. Time tooooo say goodbyeeeee...
Oooooh, let's do captions! Let's!
*in FBI voice, the one at the beginning of original dvds*
WARNING: The following is for Shits and Giggles Usage only.
"I've heard of French kissing, but this is riDICulous!!"
Now you. Go!
p.s. Yeah, still no MIB3. But, ati Think Like A Man is out. Um...
p.p.s. Some photos are me, some are the man with the plan, @photosynth15.
a good picture is worth a thousand words.
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